Janjgir-Champa, Krishi Vigyan Kendra was established at Janjgir in 2004 under administrative control of Indira Ghandhi Krishi Vishawavidyalaya. The KVK runs under hundred per cent funding sport of Indian council Agricultural research (ICAR). The Janjgir-Champa district is situated 21.6 to 22.4 N latitude, 82.3 E longitude with an altitude of 294.4 M. The total geographical area of the district is 486674 ha. The district is surrounded by Raigarh in east, Bilaspur in west, Korba & Bilaspur in north and Raipur in south. The average rainfall of the district is 1147.4 m.m. while normal rainfall is 1477.8 mm. The maximum and minimum temperature of the district is 49 c & 8 c respectively. The area under kharif crops is 261323 ha and in rabi 90000 ha.